Monday, December 20, 2010

Discovering Ashes (part 2)

I was one of the lucky ones to just get a transfer. Problem was, I went from patrolling the southeast side of the city – one of the more useful spots to patrol since it got hit with a lot of house intruders, burglaries, etc - to sitting in my car with a partner who couldn't give two shits about his job. Oh, he was a good cop – when he wanted to be. Problem was, he was tired of the job. Can't blame the guy for it; he was almost forty-five for Chrissakes. I was just pissed about going from a quick response to some kid's Xstation or Playbox or whatever getting stolen to “Okay Ma'am, and you say it was a brown cat who stole your laundry?” I went from actually facing down some scared-shitless punk with a 9mm every now and then to dealing with some of the weirdest sons-of-bitches I've ever seen.

Y'know what the biggest problem we had thanks to that arrogant prick in office was? It was fuckin' Christmas. Yeah – along with all of that “winter is a magical time” crap comes “Peace on Earth and Goodwill t'wards men” which nobody but us cops actually practice. Christmas time is usually my busiest time 'cause of the number of assaults (Also the reason I hate it when I get scheduled with work on Thanksgiving Night), robberies, and even one or two rapes. It gets interesting when you respond to a call about Santa raping one of his elves. There's some fucked up people in this world, and that jackoff had the balls to actually shrink the force? What kind of stupid decision is that? Hell, what kinda idiot voted him in?

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