Friday, October 30, 2009

Just Realized

Well, it's 1:33 AM, and Metal Mania just came on VH1 Classic. First Music Video they show? Turbo Lover by Judas Priest (Awesome song, by the way. Music Video Rocks just as much). I just realized what that song's about, though - It's about SUHPRIZE BUTTSECKZ!

Seriously, the first lyrics are "You won't hear me, but you'll feel me".

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be Prepared!

So what's you guys's plan for Z-Day? You know, the day when Ghouls start roaming the earth, and the dead walk, feasting on human flesh? Personally, I'm grabbing my closest family and maybe a few friends and booking it to Oceana, WV.

It's a town of about 500 People, surrounded by mountains, and everyone has guns. So it's fairly safe. With some extra fortifications, it'd be perfect, really.

Monday, October 26, 2009



(For those too lazy to click the link-

Man in Iowa City called a zombie, punched twice

Associated Press - October 25, 2009 10:24 AM ET

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) - Iowa City police are investigating an early morning assault in which a man accused another of being a zombie, then punched him twice.

Police say the assault occurred at 1:17 a.m. Sunday at an Iowa City restaurant south of the University of Iowa campus.

A man was ordering food when he was approached by another man who called him a zombie, then hit him in the eye. When the victim tried to call police on his cell phone, the man punched him again, breaking his nose.

The man then ran out a back door.

The victim was taken by ambulance to a hospital.)


Obviously the man who punched the other one is an idiot. Everyone knows that you should never, ever, EVER!!!!!! Punch a zombie in the face!!! THAT'S ASKING TO BE INFECTED, YOU FOOL! Next time, Remove the head or Destroy the brain! USE A CROWBAR! THE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GUIDE CALLS IT YOUR BEST FRIEND IN CASE OF AN OUTBREAK!

Let's only hope that the Iowa police can contain the situation and it doesn't spread further... We don't need Zombie Nuns terrorizin' our Streets, now do we?

New Musics

Well, I felt kinda festive-ish, so I replaced the Playlist I had with one that's more Halloween-themed. However, I am missing a few other songs which should most definitely belong on there. Namely a lot of Black Sabbath/Heaven and Hell, Ozzy, and Rob Zombie.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Video Games as Legitimate Art

Okay, so I just finished the game BrĂ¼tal Legend yesterday, right? And now, I'm thinking - are games more than just entertainment? Art is supposed to inspire emotion, right? A reaction from you is the artist's goal when he creates something.

Well, I cried during this game. Yeah, this game is fully Balls-to-the-wall, In-your-face, BRUTAL, HEAD BANGING METAL through and through, but there was a very touching love story in there. A love story which was very touching, and -


- the point in which I cried was when Ophelia, the Main Character's Love interest commits suicide by jumping into the Sea of Black Tears while Ozzy's "Mr. Crowley" is playing IN PERFECT SYNC with it. I've never cried during a video game, or even that many movies for that matter. I'm just not the kinda guy to get attached to those things to the point of crying.

Now, let's get one thing straight right here - I wasn't sobbing like my dog had just been shot. This was one of those, "Damn... did... Did that really just happen?..." moments that just made me tear up and start that silent cry that all of us have now and then. But I almost never have those. So, this is kind of a big deal for me.


ANYWAYS, I'm rambling. My point is, if Art is supposed to evoke emotion, and a video game about killing demons and banging your head around made me feel honest to God sadness and emotional connections to characters, then does that make it art? Or is it still just Media Entertainment?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Midterm Evalutation of Awesomeness

Whelp, a midterm, eh? And an evaluation at that? Hot Damn! Hm. This is a bit tougher than I originally thought, I find now that I'm actually trying it. But no matter, right? Just a thing to do for a grade, AMIRITE LOLOLOLOLOL?! *Ahem*

Anyways, I think the class is going great so far. Not so much to talk about, actually, since all of the discussions we have (Albeit slow and very quiet...) are informative and insightful. I really do enjoy them, and also the lectures. It's fun to just hear one take on everything while also getting the information we need to make our own decision on what side of whatever topic we may be discussing at the moment we take.

I'm rambling, aren't I (Ramble On... Sing mah song... (Great now, it's stuck in my head))? I suppose so, but I'm entitled to ramble on about something everyone already knows.

Either way, I enjoy the class immensely, and am thankful to have learned all the stuff we've learned so far (For technicality reasons, the ones that come to mind first are ways to analyze a visual image and a literary passage, along with why people chose certain words over others, and "THE POWER OF WORDS!" (Echo, Echo, Echo))

The only thing I'm looking forward to at this point is some discussion on the Pacific Theatre of the war, primarily because my family fought in that theatre as opposed to the European one. I like learning about what was different between the two settings of the war.

I think that covers everything. I'm not entirely sure if it does or not, but it'll have to do. In the meantime, I need some Megadeth.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

This Sucks

Well, given that now we all have homework because the majority of us believed that posting a simple few words once or twice a week was lame and not worth doing, I'd like to thank all of those who brought this on us.

Thanks for that. Now we have to balance book work, Papers from separate classes, Extracurricular Activties, AND Comp Homework every night! Thanks a lot, ya'll. Remind me to give ya'll a hug when I see ya, since I can't think of anything better to do with my time than assigned book work for Homework because ya'll are just TOO. DAMN. LAZY.

Truthfully, I don't think I should have to do the assigned homework. I don't think anyone who's been keeping up with their blogs should have to do it, actually. Why? Because we've been doing our Homework already. I believe that only those who haven't been doing their blogs should be required to do the Homework assigned since, like we were told, the blog WAS our Homework. Why should the people who did what they were told be punished for doing the "right thing"?

Is our class seriously still in that High School Mentality that you can not do your work and get away with it? Or that it's okay because you won't be the only one hurting? If it were me grading the Class, the blogs you didn't do will still be counted against ya'll, The Homework will be worth only half of what the blogs were worth, and to top it all off - I'd list the names of the people who didn't do their homework so that we all know who's responsible.

Oh, and for those of us who keep up with our blogs, I say, let the Blogs be our assignment still. It makes a bit more work for Kristi, but it's fair. It's unfair to the four or five of us who kept up with our blogs to have to do extra work because of some lazy folks in the Class.

In Closing-


Edit: I should also note that I don't know exactly how many of ya'll still keep up on blogs. I only know of four or five of us, so if You keep your blogs updated (read: Your last post was at least a week ago) please don't take offense at my statements, since they obviously don't apply to you. =P

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happiness is a Warm Gun

Yeah, it is. Just got rejected for the third time by a girl I like. So now it's time to go on a drinking binge and think about how best to remember how I'm too much of a fat bastard to get a girlfriend.

Maybe I'll go kill something? Squirrel's are easy pickin's, I suppose. :/

Of course none of ya'll look at this thing anyways. Well, besides the only one required to look at it to give us all grades, I suppose.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What we need, is a Hero

Okay, picture this; It's a dark place. The city is old, roughly 200+ years old, and the architecture is both beautiful and decaying. The Political system is corrupt, as is the judicial and the law enforcement. Crime is rampant, and seems ready to overtake the few honest cops left in the city. It's not safe to go out at night, and only slightly safer to go out in the day. The city was once a shining example of the efficiency and grandeur of American society until it all went down the crapper. There's a long line of wealthy families, some of which try and help the city. The only real help that can be seen is the urban myths of the vigilante running around at night.

Sounds like Gotham City, right? Of course it does. But I wasn't describing the fictional cesspool of Gotham. No, I was describing Good ol' Detroit. I was actually thinking about this after watching "Green Lantern: First Flight", and wondered, "Well, where's OUR hero?"

I know, I know - Comics are meant for entertainment, not serious thought (For the most part. I dare you to read Watchmen and NOT give it some thought), and should be treated more along the lines of our society's Epics and Myths. But, seriously folks - Where is Detroit's own Dark Knight? We seem to have our own version of Harvey Dent in that DA who prosecuted Kwame Kilpatrick a couple months back - Someone who's outwardly against crime and goes to great lengths to prove it, while also seems to have another agenda entirely. So, if we have our own Harvey Two-Face, where's our Batman?

Where's the symbol that strikes fear into the heart of Detroit's criminals? Where's our own personal psychopath running around town at night, screaming "I AM VENGEANCE! I AM THE NIGHT!"? Personally, I think that what this city needs isn't just a Political rehashing to get all the corrupt personalities outta there, but also a hero. A physical hero who can do some good.

Yeah, Vigilantism isn't exactly the label of a good citizen, blah blah blah. We can argue the values of taking the law into your own hands later. I'm talking about someone who honestly cares about this city enough to fight crime on his own time, and do things the Cops can't do. And while the evidence to have these criminals locked up might not hold up because of his actions, at least he'll put the fear of God into the guys who try it, which will definitely have an effect on how things go down in the city.

Now, maybe I'm just a deranged Batman fanboy who'd love to see this all come to realization, but you can't honestly ask me to believe that NONE of you have ever wanted to take the law into your own hands at one point or another. When you got cheated, or your family was robbed, or your grandfather assaulted, mugged, and threatened. We've all had experiences similar to these, especially if ya'll live in Detroit like I do.

Just think about it, though. Detroit is the PERFECT place for a Batman Wannabe to stake his claim. It's already got a HELLUVA LOT of similarities with Gotham City.It's in DIRE need of a break from all of this crime and economic turmoil. We've already seen from the Nolan Batman films ("Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight") that Batman CAN be done realistically. All that's needed is a little imagination and the right amount of resources.

Here's my list of what you HAVE to have if you wanna be a Batman wannabe

  • Trojan body Armor (Probably not the Helmet, though. Or at least redesign it) -
  • Extensive Martial Arts Training (Hell, just take some Commando Krav Maga classes. There's a school somewhere in Redford that teaches it. Or just some basic Karate Classes - anything that'll give you the slightest edge)
  • Taser Gun
  • A Cape (Just for Aesthetics, really)
  • A good moniker to go by (Not Batman. I swear, I'll hurt you if you try and call yourself that... Try "Equalizer" or something)
  • Shotgun w/beanbag ammunition.
  • 9mm pistol (Just in case things get REALLY ugly)
  • Various non-lethal concoctions to throw at people for distractions/temporary blindness
  • "Utility belt" (For lack of a better phrase)

It's not cheap. But hey - If ya'll wanna go all Batman out there, be my guest. I'll fully support you. If ya need someone to design and network your personal Batcave, just gimme a ring, okay?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Uncle Ted

Well, it's Bow Huntin' season. Sadly, I can't partake in this most righteous of events, since... well, I got stuffs I gotta do for school. That, and I'll be outta town for the first few days. BUT; Ol' Uncle Ted's out there right now, killin' some buck so he can have a juicy Venison Burger. Hell, my Pastor's out there right now, probably.

So, in order to make up for my inability to hunt, I added some of Uncle Ted's jams to the playlist on the side. Great stuff. I hope he runs for Governor at some point - We need to let people know that we're not afraid to elect a nutcase to run our state. And Uncle Ted's just the nutcase to do it! I mean, the logical solutions have all failed us, haven't they? So, go with the illogical!