Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happiness is a Warm Gun

Yeah, it is. Just got rejected for the third time by a girl I like. So now it's time to go on a drinking binge and think about how best to remember how I'm too much of a fat bastard to get a girlfriend.

Maybe I'll go kill something? Squirrel's are easy pickin's, I suppose. :/

Of course none of ya'll look at this thing anyways. Well, besides the only one required to look at it to give us all grades, I suppose.


  1. Keep you're head up, you'll get her eventually.

  2. Well at least someone's on my side with this thing. Thanks.

  3. I --as the one required to give you grades who reads this--could give you a bunch of cliche, motivational crap that would possibly help, but the truth is that all of this sucks for you and I am sorry...A good friend once told me that nothing hurts like a broken heart and he was doesn't. But the truth of the matter is that there is truth to the cliche words and thoughts or they wouldn't be around. They have been proven true. Sometimes it just takes time.

    Take it easy. Deep breath. Don't write about guns, etc. I have to take that seriously and now I am worried about you.

    And, you are right, nobody is reading and doing the blogs so homework will commence come Monday. Hey, send me an email if I can help, ok??

  4. Don't worry 'bout me none. The only thing I do that's "Destructive" concerning Guns is Huntin'. And even then, I prefer Bow Huntin'. But thanks for the encouragement. :)

  5. I guess I don't have room to talk about not finding myself a significant other. But rejection sucks.

    The best piece of advice I could offer is STOP LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND!

    Harsh, perhaps. But honestly, the moment you stop looking, the person who wants to be with you the most will come up and appear. So try not to focus on it. Yes, its probably cliched. But it has always worked for me.

    I do pay attention to yuor blogs, and you bring up very good points.

    An excellent taste of music. Check out Dream Theater. They're music is fantastic. Every album is differnt. There is one about mental disorders. I'll bring out my ipod and make you listen to some.

    So for a happy note to end on here is a humorous statement i found on my life is average (Geeks and Nerds unite!!)

    Today, I came
    home to my mom scowling, my dad smirking, and my little sister
    grinning. Apparently, my sister got into a fight with a fellow 5th
    grader, saying that the Beatles pwned the Jonas Brothers. My sister and
    the girl argued until my sister tackle...d her while yelling, "I am the
    walrus! Goo goo g'joob!" I have never before felt like such a positive
    influence to my siblings. MLIA"

    (I am the walrus was playing, I could not help myself)
    I love the beatles and led zeppelin
