Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Midterm Evalutation of Awesomeness

Whelp, a midterm, eh? And an evaluation at that? Hot Damn! Hm. This is a bit tougher than I originally thought, I find now that I'm actually trying it. But no matter, right? Just a thing to do for a grade, AMIRITE LOLOLOLOLOL?! *Ahem*

Anyways, I think the class is going great so far. Not so much to talk about, actually, since all of the discussions we have (Albeit slow and very quiet...) are informative and insightful. I really do enjoy them, and also the lectures. It's fun to just hear one take on everything while also getting the information we need to make our own decision on what side of whatever topic we may be discussing at the moment we take.

I'm rambling, aren't I (Ramble On... Sing mah song... (Great now, it's stuck in my head))? I suppose so, but I'm entitled to ramble on about something everyone already knows.

Either way, I enjoy the class immensely, and am thankful to have learned all the stuff we've learned so far (For technicality reasons, the ones that come to mind first are ways to analyze a visual image and a literary passage, along with why people chose certain words over others, and "THE POWER OF WORDS!" (Echo, Echo, Echo))

The only thing I'm looking forward to at this point is some discussion on the Pacific Theatre of the war, primarily because my family fought in that theatre as opposed to the European one. I like learning about what was different between the two settings of the war.

I think that covers everything. I'm not entirely sure if it does or not, but it'll have to do. In the meantime, I need some Megadeth.

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