Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What we need, is a Hero

Okay, picture this; It's a dark place. The city is old, roughly 200+ years old, and the architecture is both beautiful and decaying. The Political system is corrupt, as is the judicial and the law enforcement. Crime is rampant, and seems ready to overtake the few honest cops left in the city. It's not safe to go out at night, and only slightly safer to go out in the day. The city was once a shining example of the efficiency and grandeur of American society until it all went down the crapper. There's a long line of wealthy families, some of which try and help the city. The only real help that can be seen is the urban myths of the vigilante running around at night.

Sounds like Gotham City, right? Of course it does. But I wasn't describing the fictional cesspool of Gotham. No, I was describing Good ol' Detroit. I was actually thinking about this after watching "Green Lantern: First Flight", and wondered, "Well, where's OUR hero?"

I know, I know - Comics are meant for entertainment, not serious thought (For the most part. I dare you to read Watchmen and NOT give it some thought), and should be treated more along the lines of our society's Epics and Myths. But, seriously folks - Where is Detroit's own Dark Knight? We seem to have our own version of Harvey Dent in that DA who prosecuted Kwame Kilpatrick a couple months back - Someone who's outwardly against crime and goes to great lengths to prove it, while also seems to have another agenda entirely. So, if we have our own Harvey Two-Face, where's our Batman?

Where's the symbol that strikes fear into the heart of Detroit's criminals? Where's our own personal psychopath running around town at night, screaming "I AM VENGEANCE! I AM THE NIGHT!"? Personally, I think that what this city needs isn't just a Political rehashing to get all the corrupt personalities outta there, but also a hero. A physical hero who can do some good.

Yeah, Vigilantism isn't exactly the label of a good citizen, blah blah blah. We can argue the values of taking the law into your own hands later. I'm talking about someone who honestly cares about this city enough to fight crime on his own time, and do things the Cops can't do. And while the evidence to have these criminals locked up might not hold up because of his actions, at least he'll put the fear of God into the guys who try it, which will definitely have an effect on how things go down in the city.

Now, maybe I'm just a deranged Batman fanboy who'd love to see this all come to realization, but you can't honestly ask me to believe that NONE of you have ever wanted to take the law into your own hands at one point or another. When you got cheated, or your family was robbed, or your grandfather assaulted, mugged, and threatened. We've all had experiences similar to these, especially if ya'll live in Detroit like I do.

Just think about it, though. Detroit is the PERFECT place for a Batman Wannabe to stake his claim. It's already got a HELLUVA LOT of similarities with Gotham City.It's in DIRE need of a break from all of this crime and economic turmoil. We've already seen from the Nolan Batman films ("Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight") that Batman CAN be done realistically. All that's needed is a little imagination and the right amount of resources.

Here's my list of what you HAVE to have if you wanna be a Batman wannabe

  • Trojan body Armor (Probably not the Helmet, though. Or at least redesign it) -
  • Extensive Martial Arts Training (Hell, just take some Commando Krav Maga classes. There's a school somewhere in Redford that teaches it. Or just some basic Karate Classes - anything that'll give you the slightest edge)
  • Taser Gun
  • A Cape (Just for Aesthetics, really)
  • A good moniker to go by (Not Batman. I swear, I'll hurt you if you try and call yourself that... Try "Equalizer" or something)
  • Shotgun w/beanbag ammunition.
  • 9mm pistol (Just in case things get REALLY ugly)
  • Various non-lethal concoctions to throw at people for distractions/temporary blindness
  • "Utility belt" (For lack of a better phrase)

It's not cheap. But hey - If ya'll wanna go all Batman out there, be my guest. I'll fully support you. If ya need someone to design and network your personal Batcave, just gimme a ring, okay?


  1. Amazing post. Do you think that a normal guy--non super hero kind of guy--can save Detroit?

    What about you?

  2. That's what Dave Bing's doing, isn't he? I've never had more faith in a politician than I do in Dave Bing.

    But I still hold out hope for Detroit's own Dynamic Duo of Caped Crusading.
