Monday, November 30, 2009


First off, I need to get this outta my system (Start it at 50 Seconds in);

I've had a terrible birthday. It started off great, don't get me wrong! But at 6 o'clock on the DOT, my Hard Drive on my Laptop crashed, taking my Vlogs from West Virginia with it, along with all of my pictures, my music, EVERYTHING. This pisses me off to no end, since I'll never get those videos back. COD FLAMMIT!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Birthday

Hey ya'll. My Birthday tomorrow! How'm I celebrating you ask? By school of course! Ha haaaa! Sucks, don't it? How did we come about celebrating the anniversary of our birth, anyway? Probably stems from some Pagan ritual that the early Christians adopted to further their conversion tactics. Hell, that's how Christmas started, so... yeah. Heh.

Christians - we hate Pagans, but take their Holidays anyway!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Help Me out Here

Help me out here, Ya'll. Got a few decisions to make lately. Firstly, I have no idea what to do my Final Paper on for Comp. It's nagging at my nonstop. Plus the whole fact that I have to read another full book for Hist 102 and write a paper on THAT that's due in the next few weeks. Lovely time for all, eh?

But here's a problem I'm sure you guys can help out a bit more on - Patches. Ya'll have seen my Denim Jacket every day, but I'd like some help in both info on things and in Deciding. I've picked out a few Back Patches to go on the back of my Jacket, and I just want ya'll's opinions on what one I should use to be the Biggest Patch on my jacket.

Metallica 1
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance
Metallica 2
Galactic Empire
Judas Priest - British Steel

Also, I may or may not get this one for the right shoulder;

Rogue Squadron
Imperial Pilot

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I've been a bit Sad lately

No, it's not the girl troubles mentioned so long ago (Though those still plague me, Its only because I'm so awesome, no girl can hope to compete with my awesomeness) but rather it's the realization that I can't fulfill my lifelong dream. And while I'm listening to "Dreams" by Van Halen, I'm reminded of Top Gun as I watched it when I was 7 years old. Oddly enough, I watched it last night, too.

But When I was 7, I saw Top Gun. It.... It changed my life, actually. The movie glorified Fighter Jocks, and I have to admit that I loved it. Growing up, I always wanted to buzz the tower just like Maverick in the movie! And I was convinced that one day, I'd be the greatest pilot that ever lived! Until 4th Grade. No, scratch that, It was 8th Grade that my dreams were dashed. Why? Well, in 4th Grade, I ended up having to get glasses. Now I thought nothing of it, and certainly didn't think it would impact my dreams of flying a Fighter Jet into the stratosphere! But in 8th Grade, as I started to approach the age of having to decide what I wanted to do with my life, I was torn between becoming a Teacher and being the Pilot I'd always wanted to be. So I did research. And found out that the Air Force doesn't accept people with Glasses as pilots.

Crushed my dreams. I'd spent all my life, dreaming about banking left to get ahead of the guy in front of me so I could take him out with a quick Sidewinder Missile. All for nothing.

And now, here in 2009, The realization that I'll never be Maverick hit me again. Now, that's not to say that I don't look forward to being a teacher - far from it. But.... it's still my dream, y'know? There's just something appealing, something... MAJESTIC, I should say, about soaring above the clouds in an F22 going five times the speed of sound. It sounds... peaceful, serene. LIke the only thing in existence, the only thing that matters is you and your bird. THere's no politics, there's no wars, no famine or disease, just you, the plane, and enough fuel for six hours or so.

And then you get the adrenalin rush of actual combat. Damn, that must be the greatest feeling in the world! And I have to miss out on it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quick Write on "The White Rose"

"THOSE WHO DO NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT". I dunno who said that, but it's truer than the day is long. Reading this short little diddy ('bout Jack and Di-aaaane), I couldn't help but think about how often people stand up for what is right in their minds, but not on the streets. Is it because we're afraid of people's perception of us or is it because we honestly don't care? Upon thinking about this even further, I came to the realization that it's both and it's neither (As odd as that sounds). On one hand, most people care too much about what other people think, about fitting in than being different and doing what they believe is right. But it's like John Lennon said, "I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people.". I only hope that more people live by those words in the future.

However, there's another hand to this argumentative beast, isn't there (Or would it be paw in that case?)? I think that some people don't NOT care about what they are claiming to fight for, so much as I believe they don't care ENOUGH about it. Let's think about this - if someone were to say, "You can end the war in Iraq RIGHT NOW, but I have to shoot you here and now to do it" would you take that trade? Of course you SAY you would, you wanna sound all big and bad, like Bruce Willis in Die Hard. You wanna be the absolute BADASS, who'll kill and give their lives for their cause. But if someone actually holds a pistol TO YOUR SKULL, and says, "End the war. A life for a thousand!" how many of you would actually do that? Almost none, I can guarantee it. Why? Because we care about our lives just a little more than the lives of others.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Watching Watchmen right now. Badass movie. Kinda on the fence on who's better; Nightowl or Rorschach?