Friday, December 11, 2009

The Confederacy in Media

Well, while watching the Big Screen Adaptation of "The Dukes of Hazzard", I noticed that the companies that were sponsoring it decided to edit out the Confederate Flag on top of the General Lee the best they could. This brings me to question just what has changed between the old TV Show that was airing (As Reruns, mind you) when I was younger (Read: 9 years old, so 1999-2000) and today when it comes to Censorship?

When I was younger, They didn't try their best to edit that image off of the top of the General because that's what made the General Lee what it was - It was a symbol NOT "Southern Rebellion" or Slavery, but the fun of what being Southern could bring. What living in a small town could give you - Memories.

That's partly why I loved that show. I have memories of coming home and sitting in the floor, doing homework while watching Bo and Luke Duke jump over the countless rivers and chasms in Hazzard county. The hilarious caricatures of Boss Hogg and Roscoe were another part, as was the action scenes. But that's all besides the point.

For some reason, when the Confederacy is mentioned in the Media, it's always as "the bad Guys". Why? Are we still that sore about the whole thing that Anyone from the South is immediately a dumb hick who supports rebellion and hates the government? That the immediate idea of the Confederate States of America is so incredibly hateful that it's better to not think of them as human beings, but as slave-driving, hateful, ignorant devils?

I've seen the south. I've LIVED in the south for Christ's sake! Are people down there racist? Sure they are! But no more so than up here in Michigan! The only difference is that there's MORE racists in the southern states than up here. They're not Gung-Ho, for the most part. Problem is, people view all racists as Cross-Burning, "WHITE POWER!"-thumping, Shotgun-Humping Idjits. Yeah, Idjits.

We preach about equality and boast about loving each other equally, that no man is better than another in the Political realm or in the media. Then why is there such a bias against Southerners? What's wrong with you people?

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